Click on the map to enlarge it.
The story opens up in Camden Town at The World's End pub.
I was lucky enough to have the very talented Virginia Allyn draw this map of London 1871 for me. Notice that the building icons are actually what the buildings look like in real life!
Tiki lives in abandoned clockmaker's shop adjoining Charing Cross Station.
The story opens up in Camden Town at The World's End pub.
Some of the other places Tiki goes in the book are:
Buckingham Palace
St. James Park
The Birdkeeper's Cottage
Petticoat Lane, over in Aldgate, next to Spitafield's Market
Leicester Square to the apothecary's shop
Grosvenor Square
Covent Garden
Great Ormond Street Hospital
Hyde Park
I was lucky enough to have the very talented Virginia Allyn draw this map of London 1871 for me. Notice that the building icons are actually what the buildings look like in real life!